About A&B Lawn Services

Who Am I

A&B Lawn Services was born in Greensboro, North Carolina about 16 years ago as a small Gardening agency, that with the passage of time and thanks to the good services that it provides to grown considerably, being nowadays a prestigious agency that counts With license to work.

It all began when I started working for someone else, with the passage of time I realize that it was very satisfying to see the result of my work.

I do not know if it was a coincidence or a destiny, but one day as I walked through the streets, a great man approached me he was wondering if I wanted to go to his house and cut the grass and immediately I said yes.

The man was very satisfied with my work and from that day I went every week to cut the lawn of his house.

After a while he recommended me with his friend so that I would cut the grass at his house too.

It was like this, little by little the other people got to know me, thanks to the recommendations of my clients, my company started to grow. Now that I have my own company I appreciate to that good man the confidence that the give me to maintenance his yard, I also realized that with the effort and dedications you get the best letter off recommendation and that letter of recommendation is “MY WORK”

Our Skills





Good Service

About A&B Lawn Services

A&B Lawn Services was born in Greensboro, North Carolina about 16 years ago as a small Gardening agency, that with the passage of time and thanks to the good services that it provides to grown considerably, being nowadays a prestigious agency that counts With license to work.

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