Lawn Mowing

Lawn Mowing

Proper mowing is one of the most important practices in keeping your lawn healthy.

Grasses are like most plants if you clip off the growing points (for grass, it’s in the crown, where the new leaves develop), the plants branch out and become denser, which in this case, turns thousands of individual grass plants into a tightly woven turf or a lawn. If you didn’t mow at all, your yard would look more like a prairie than a lawn. But the mere act of mowing isn’t what makes a lawn look good. Mowing height and mowing frequency determine how healthy and attractive your lawn looks. After all, cutting a lawn is stressful for the grass.

Most grasses have a range of recommended mowing heights. Stay at the upper end of that range when the lawn is under stressful conditions, such as hot weather or drought, or if you have a shady lawn. In cooler weather, you can cut the grass a little lower.

About A&B Lawn Services

A&B Lawn Services was born in Greensboro, North Carolina about 16 years ago as a small Gardening agency, that with the passage of time and thanks to the good services that it provides to grown considerably, being nowadays a prestigious agency that counts With license to work.

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